5 Facebook Advertising Mistakes Most Small Businesses Make
Facebook is an incredible platform for marketing your business. Your brand can become successful and bring in large amounts of revenue, as well as awareness, just by utilising Facebook’s business tools. However, you can’t just put in some money, run a few campaigns, and hope for the best. It requires constant evaluation and altering to find the best avenue for your business and the best content that captures your audience. We want your company to be successful, making the time and effort all worth it. Here are five mistakes that companies make when managing Facebook Ads themselves.
Don’t Make these Facebook Advertising Mistakes
You Aren’t Spending Enough Money
Sorry to break it to you but spending $5-10 on Facebook Advertising a day just won’t cut it unless you’ve lucked out. Most businesses will say they’ve given Facebook Ads a go, but it didn’t work out. This is most likely because their budget is not set high enough, thus Facebook doesn’t have enough to work with. Another common mistake is that businesses get excited, create too many ads, and then spread their budget too thin across all ads. As a result, it is significantly challenging to optimise existing campaigns or put extra money towards a specific ad.
Poor Audience Targeting
Small Businesses make a common mistake because their audience is too large, and they aren’t specific with their targeting. There are millions of users on Facebook (over 13 million in Australia) as well as an ample number of businesses marketing their brands. If your audience is too large, it is bound to get lost amongst other content and reach people to whom the ad will not provide value. Facebook offers a variety of features for you to utilise and target your ad correctly, e.g., location, demographics, interests, engagement, behaviours, and automatic optimization. However, if your audience size is too small, your ad may not be delivered correctly and in turn you will be wasting budget by over-saturating your audience. Facebook has a dial that illustrates your audience size, if it is too big or small; use this feature to your advantage, and you will target the correct audience. Remember to test out and change audiences regularly.
You’re Not Monitoring Your Ads
Do not set up your ads, then abandon them for weeks. Although Facebook has a tool that automatically optimises ads, you must check the performance of your ads every day. Ad frequency, conversion rate, clicks, costs per action, sales/leads generated, and ad performance by type and placement are key features to analyse. This is a big part Facebook Advertising, and what we do on daily basis to ensure our clients campaigns continue to deliver. Doing this will help you see which ads are performing, where ads aren’t, what changes you need to make, and if you need to increase your budget.
Pick the Correct Type of Objectives and Ads
Facebook advertising has various ad features and objectives to choose from. It is important to select the right objectives and ad types that align with the ad you are conveying to your audience. Do you want more sales by driving traffic to your website or bringing awareness to your brand, or are you launching a new product? All these desires will have different objectives and ad types to ensure your ad is successful. It is essential to become aware and learn about the different features before selecting one, as it may not align with your intention or audience uptake.
Final Tip, Be Patient
You will not become successful overnight – as Facebook advertising specialists it took us over 4 years to become highly skilled in the area, and with Facebook changing every year, there are always new strategies to be applied. You need to test ads, play around with what your audience engages with and what they don’t. For a business, Facebook advertising is about learning all the different features available and using them to your advantage. Be patient. Some of the best marketers out there are still learning about Facebook ads today and understanding how to receive the best outcome for businesses, creating brand awareness and revenue. Bottom line, if you aren’t seeing results after a week, do not chuck the towel in and give up. Keep at it and analysing your performance, then you will start to see results.
Facebook advertising can provide insane returns, just like anything, if you put in the time and work, you will see results. Your campaign will be successful by taking on board these tips and creating engaging, insightful, unique content. If you need assistance with Facebook advertising, reach out to us today!